Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Movie Review: Jurassic World

Being one of the most anticipated films of the year, we decided to shell out a couple more hundred bucks each for a chance to see the movie in 4DX. All in all, it was a highly entertaining movie. The thrill, excitement, and suspense lived up to the hype of this massive film, set more than 20 years after the first one, Jurassic Park.

Jurassic Park (1993) was groundbreaking. It set the benchmark for big-budget CGI movie magic which was then followed by other blockbuster hits in the preceding years, such as Twister (1996) and Independence Day (1996). It was a hard act to follow then, and it still is now.

As for storytelling, that's one of the best things about Jurassic Park. The story, adapted from Michael Crichton's book, was new and intriguing. The challenge for Jurassic World now was to capitalize on that story while still bringing it's own storyline at the same time, which this movie was able to achieve.

Jurassic World had what I call signature scenes, those that were derived from Jurassic Park. The park was new but the the now fully-functional and (supposedly) highly secure theme park was set in the same island. There were versions of scenes and themes from the first movie that reappeared on this one, some subtly, others more obviously, all highly entertaining.

I totally enjoyed the movie. As for seeing it in 4DX, it did enhance the cinematic experience to some extent, but I'm sure I would have enjoyed the movie in 3D nonetheless. With it's awesome visual effects, I would recommend watching the movie in no less than 3D and in surround sound.

Expect fight scenes between dinosaurs and humans so I find this movie inappropriate for very young children.