Wednesday, October 27, 2010

High Fidelity

Last weekend, hubby Naldy and I watched the John Cusack movie, High Fidelity. We've seen it back in 2001 ... on VHS format... and loved it. I was 21 at the time, but I figured I'd have a better appreciation of the film if I see it again in my 30s. And boy does the movie deserve its reputation of being one of the best films of the 90s.

I actually find it surprising that I feel I can relate to the main character in the movie, Rob Gordon played by John Cusack. He's an audiophile who owns a record store who’s gone through at least 5 painful breakups. I'm no audiophile nor music critic, nor have I been through even a single breakup, but I do see myself as a bit of a musical snob like he was. There are just some tunes that seem devoid of any art or entertainment value, and then there are those that my parents call garbage but I know sound really good.

John Cusack is one of my favorite actors and I can’t imagine anybody else playing the main character. I especially love the times where he breaks the fourth wall and talks to the audience. The transitions were just so smooth and spontaneous. It makes me wish sometimes I could just do the same and not look weird.

I find no reason for anyone to not enjoy High Fidelity. But in the spirit of ranking Top 5s of random things, I give my Top 5 reasons why I love this movie:
1.     The music- Diverse, appropriate, well-crafted
2.     John Cusack's acting- Just so cool
3.     The cast- Yes, even Jack Black was perfect
4.     The story- Plot, style, delivery
5.     The scene with Bruce Springsteen- Somehow shows how music can be a source of enlightenment   and introspection

Into the world of blogging...

This post marks my entry into the world of blogging. I created this account two years ago but never really got around to writing anything. But I figured now would be a good time to start. With all the changes that I've had to deal with, the challenges of being a working mom, the mountains that I have climbed and have yet to climb, the places I want to visit, and just the pure and simple enjoyment of life with friends and family- all this means there will always be something to write about. And write I will.

Monday, August 9, 2010